Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
Globalization could make us to be confronted with a lot of problems that can threaten the social relation inter humanity if we couldn’t avoid the peculiar situations that could come out. We have to be able to appreciate our own country without ignoring other countries. We must have to create a positive view about all the things that can be happened to our society. Actually, the negative things do not occur due to globalization. Certain type of attitude that give no respect to each other which tend to selfishness consideration by individual or certain group will make them think that they are greater than the other. This thought can create unbalance relation in our society.
Youth community problem that occur in this country, Indonesia is that there’re certain groups which still have a thought that they are superior. They make themselves above everything; they don’t accept the argument comes out from the one which not in group. Certainly, such a thing not only cause disunity in relationship inter community but also disunity of a nation. We have to prevent this problem. We must make equality and human rights balance in our society. Every mankind lives with the same rights. There’s no certain group that better than the other group. Every group has the same opportunity in country’s development. Every group has their own role in expressing their argument. We must be able to make sure ourselves in building up a positive environment that finally can create positive advance in our human relationship. In gender issue, we must be able to erase the mainstream said that male is better than female. Female also has capability in helping country’s development. On that account, we must help the United Nations (UN) program against on gender issue that happened in some part of this world. The availability of education tools for female must be come to reality so the rate of female illiteracy could be minimized. We can start it by giving our government some suggestions to join the international donation program that can help certain country to improve their education quality.
Indonesia as one of countries which has so many ethnic group and culture also facing some serious problem related to cultural heritage. Such various cultures make other country shout their own claim said that these cultures are belong to them, not belongs to Indonesia. This problem could appear caused by the lost of respect inter country where the plus point of one country caused another country also wants to own it without think of the negative impact that could appear. In facing this problem, we don’t need to raise our arms and make a war against other country. All we have to do is to use our country tools in diplomacy. A good conversation must be creating a good result for each country’s good. Government can also take a tactical step in preventing the intellectual wealth robbery by registering their intellectual and cultural wealth internationally so that other countries can appreciate the culture owned by certain country. Growing the “respect each other” attitude up is one main key that must be done in preventing conflict that might be happened in our society.
From the environmental side, we are faced with a global problem where there’s “global warming” that profitless for the earth. The number of factories and industries that heedless of environmental problems make such kind of industries only concern with the “how to produce outputs for profit accumulation”. The implementation of international conference in facing “global warming” is an advance step that can be done in growing international conscious thought to the danger impact that could be created by global warming. The arranging of fundamental laws that give constraint to industries could be helpful in minimizing these problems. The activities of whole industries must be controlled in serious way; giving certain standardization to industry must be implemented seriously so it will guarantee that those industries’ activities won’t endanger the environment.
In economic problem, Indonesia facing several economic unbalances. The number of small industries in Indonesia that couldn’t feel equal to grow due to morbidity in business competition must be handled immediately. Interstate cooperation in economic sectors must be able to give profitable result. Foreign investment in one country highly expected not only centralized in big industries. These small industries need financial capital and qualified business policies that will help such kind of industry to spread their market. The export-import policies among countries must be set up well so it will give balance profit to each country.
By implementing all the plans mentioned above, it’s highly expected that all the problems come out in our society around the world can be finish in order to create positive change in our environment that will foster sustainable development in our community. Hopefully.